AI Sales Tools – Make projections more of a certainty

This one is about how to make your sales projections more of a certainty. So what this is is about is it’s not just about selling harder. It’s not about putting things in a position where you ask people to just do more it’s about because that’s not sustainable. AI Sales Tools can help on […]

A Closer Look at Sales Job Titles

Job Titles In Sales & Establishing Sales Authority Have you ever scrolled through LinkedIn or a job board and questioned the truth of those job titles? There are so many Directors, Executives, Managers and Senior People; This isn’t about genuine managerial roles, this is about sales roles that adopt a senior title. One thing we’ve […]

Call Centre Analytics: What’s a good CPH Target?

Call centre analytics: What’s a good CPH Target? Calls Per Hour (CPH) is a common KPI and target for sales teams. Yes, CPH is useful as a measure of activity. However, it doesn’t tell the whole story. In this blog, we talk about CPH’s role in call centre analytics and how you can use it […]

How to Create a Seamless Customer Experience

Create a seamless customer experience Your sales & marketing team is the first impression that customers get of your business. Because of this, it’s really important to have a great customer experience from the start. Pay-Per-Lead generation companies like us deal with Lead Hand-Off on a daily basis and so we know how slick it […]

REMOTE – a new way of seeing your sales team

Remote sales team tips My favourite book I read last month is called Remote: Office not required. The book talks about how more and more employees work from home these days. It’s an incredible book as it explains the challenges and unexpected benefits of building your own remote sales team . You’ll find it easy […]

Telling stories when selling

Should I be telling stories when selling? “Telling stories when selling makes it as easy as possible for the Prospect to understand your message” – Owen Wood I loved Primary School. Free milk, naps whenever you liked, not to mention the stories! I loved how our teacher would tell us stories about Witches, Goblins, and animals […]

Hiring sales people tips: Beware the charm!

The problem with hiring sales people Your business needs more new clients to grow, but as the business owner, you don’t have enough time for you to be the Salesperson anymore. You need to hire a sales person! How can you be certain that the sales person that you’re hiring is any good? Check out […]

A simple, free way to automate your pipeline activity

Capture all opt-ins and opt-outs – automate GDPR compliance These days lot of businesses have their customer data over different platforms. For example, you might have automated marketing systems for prospects and separate invoicing systems for your customers. With all of these different systems, how do you make sure all of the information is up to date? […]

Tips for an excellent sales meeting

Get ahead by qualifying your leads in more depth In our other blogs, we talk about how to win more sales by being more relevant than your competitors. Here I wanted to share with you how we actually do that. The biggie? Make sure that you know everything you need to know before you step […]

More effective sales calls without scripts

Conversational sales – Making sales calls without scripts Call scripts are a classic tool in phone based sales, but savvy prospects have become more and more attuned to obvious sales scripts or canned questions. Your sales team sound so much better when they’re speaking their own words, not repeated a canned response Instead, give your […]