Tips to generate leads using LinkedIn


Linkedin is an excellent way to connect with professionals and generate leads for your business. You can connect with almost anyone and introduce your business.  How do you generate leads using Linkedin? Below are some key Linkedin prospecting message tips to help generate valuable leads in a personalised way.

generate leads using linkedin

What are you doing before you message them?

Generating a sales appointment is about halfway along the sales process. The most effective form of lead generation uses valuable marketing to generate interest prior to asking your prospect for a meeting.

Don’t simply send a salesy message that says something generic “ABC ltd has over 20 years experience in blah, blah, boring sales message, buy from me please.”

A valuable marketing campaign prior to getting in touch works because it helps to show your Prospect about why you’re relevant to them. A valuable marketing campaign adds context to why they should talk further with you. It helps you to personalise your Linkedin prospecting message by referencing the marketing;

  • Hey [Name], Just following up from my handwritten letter
  • Hi [Name], Thanks for attending the event yesterday
  • Hello [Name, Thanks for responding to our competition


Is your message both concise and useful?

The 2nd biggest mistake companies when trying to generate leads using Linkedin is sending a 20 paragraph message where you detail your life story and essentially bore your Prospect to death. The key here is to be concise, personalised and useful to the prospect. We use a 3-sentence, 50-word limit framework;

  • Personal introduction (Quickly recap your prior conversation and why you’re getting in touch)
  • Valuable message (A relevant example of an amazing job that you did, why you think you’ll be helpful to them)
  • Next steps (Asking to organise a meeting or next step eg free trial)

We don’t put a Linkedin prospecting message template here as it’s best that you write something personal each time. But trust me, a 50 word well thought out message will make your response rates skyrocket!

What do you do to follow-up when you generate leads using Linkedin?

The sales process is the Prospect’s chance to see what you’re like to work with. What’s really important is to consistently deliver on your promises. For example, if you promise to call them at 2pm and you don’t call them until 2:10pm, you’re damaging your reputation as a reliable person to work with.

Whatever you suggest as the next step from your Linkedin prospecting message, then make sure you deliver on what you promise.


Hope you find this useful!

Hope you’ve found our Linkedin prospecting message tips useful. If you’d like to chat further about your prospecting and lead generation on a pay-per-appointment basis, then you can get in touch here.