The Impact of Multi-Channel Follow-Up in B2B Sales

One of our B2B Sales Tips is using technology. In the dynamic realm of B2B sales, adapting and evolving strategies are key to staying ahead of the competition. One of our B2B Sales Tips that often goes underutilised is leveraging multi-channel follow-up techniques. Engaging prospects across various platforms not only maximises reach but also significantly enhances the effectiveness of sales efforts. This approach, when executed proficiently, can transform the sales pipeline, leading to higher conversion rates and more successful deals. In this detailed exploration, we delve into how multi-channel follow-up can redefine the B2B sales landscape, ensuring sales directors and their teams can capitalise on every opportunity.

Closing sales tips – The stages of following up

There seems to be a few stages and things to check to following up on B2B high value sales;

  1. Does it make sense? Do they like the proposal and what we’re suggesting? Are there any changes that need to be made?
  2. Budget? Is our contact they happy with the price? Are we changing the proposal?
  3. Do the powers-that-be like it? Does the Area Manager/Finance/CEO also like what we have to offer?
  4. Can we do this? Are we happy to go ahead in principle?
  5. Have we tidied up the little bits? Payment terms/agreement/notice to supplier

You may have more or less stages, but from our experience these seem to be ones that companies usually go through. As the sales person, it’s your job to ensure that all of this goes through without incident. That’s no easy task!

As you know, the great thing is this can all be handled with persistence and a little creativity

Always be of value when Closing sales

The best of our B2B Sales Tips we can give: providing value is the golden rule. This principle is especially pivotal when employing a multi-channel follow-up strategy.

Every touchpoint should underscore your understanding of the prospect’s business and your eagerness to contribute to their success. Incorporating value in your multi-channel approach means each communication, be it an email, a LinkedIn message, or a phone call, is thoughtfully crafted.

Emails might include links to case studies or white papers that speak directly to the prospect’s challenges. LinkedIn interactions could involve sharing relevant articles or commenting on posts that align with the prospect’s business interests. Phone conversations, meanwhile, offer an opportunity to delve deeper, understanding and addressing specific concerns in real-time.

However, it’s critical that the value provided is not perceived as a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s about establishing trust and positioning yourself as an indispensable resource, an ally in their business growth, rather than just another vendor. This mindset shift, from sales-focused to value-driven, is what ultimately distinguishes top-tier sales professionals in the competitive B2B arena.

Mixing Up The Approach – Phone, Email & LinkedIn

One of our B2B Sales Tips is mixing it up. A trifecta of phone calls, emails, and LinkedIn interactions forms the cornerstone of an effective multi-channel follow-up strategy.

Each form of communication serves a unique purpose and caters to different stages of the buyer’s journey, ensuring that you’re fluid and engaging without overwhelming the prospect. The main thing is to create a way to talking on their terms.

Phone conversations offer the immediacy and personal engagement that can be crucial in rekindling interest or clarifying complex proposals. They allow for a deeper, more nuanced exchange of ideas, providing a platform for real-time problem-solving and rapport-building. This direct form of communication is best suited for moments when a personalised touch is needed to advance the conversation.

Emails, with their ability to convey detailed information in a concise format, serve as an invaluable tool for sharing resources, such as case studies, product sheets, or industry reports. They provide a tangible point of reference for both parties and enable a level of contemplation and response that real-time conversations may not afford. The asynchronous nature of email also respects the prospect’s time, allowing them to engage with the content at their convenience.

LinkedIn, as a professional networking platform, offers a unique space for subtle, yet impactful, engagement. It enables sales professionals to demonstrate their industry knowledge and insight by sharing relevant content, engaging in discussions, and establishing a professional presence that aligns with the prospect’s business interests. This platform is particularly effective for maintaining a connection in a less invasive manner, fostering a sense of community and shared goals.

By switching up between these channels, sales teams can create a multifaceted communication strategy that resonates with the diverse preferences of their prospects. This approach not only diversifies the avenues of engagement but also underscores a commitment to meeting the prospect where they are, enhancing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Timing Your Follow-Up for Maximum Impact

Mastering the art of timing in multi-channel follow-up is a delicate balance that can significantly influence the outcome of B2B sales efforts. It’s about understanding the rhythm of the prospect’s decision-making process and aligning your follow-up strategy accordingly. Overzealous outreach can overwhelm and alienate potential clients, whereas too much restraint might leave opportunities on the table. Identifying the optimal moment for each follow-up—whether it’s a phone call, an email, or a LinkedIn message—requires insight into the prospect’s business cycle and an acute sense of their readiness to engage further.

The crux of effective timing lies in discerning the cues that indicate a prospect’s interest level and readiness to proceed. For instance, a prompt response to an email or an active engagement on LinkedIn might suggest it’s time to escalate the conversation with a more direct form of communication, like a phone call. Conversely, if a prospect has been less responsive, a gentle nudge on LinkedIn or an email providing additional value might be more appropriate to reignite their interest without being intrusive.

To navigate this intricate timing landscape, it’s advantageous to employ a structured yet flexible follow-up plan. This plan should account for the specific nuances of each communication channel while being adaptable based on the prospect’s behaviour and feedback. For example, following up with a personalised email after a meaningful interaction on LinkedIn can help maintain momentum, while a well-timed phone call after sending a detailed proposal could provide the perfect opportunity to address any lingering doubts and move closer to a commitment.

One of our B2B Sales Tips is timing in multi-channel follow-up. This is not just in choosing when to communicate, but also in selecting the most appropriate channel for each juncture. By skilfully combining these elements, sales professionals can craft a follow-up strategy that resonates with the prospect’s pace, fostering a sense of respect for their process and enhancing the potential for a successful engagement.

B2B Sales Tips To Personalise Your Approach for Each Prospect

Remind them of what’s been established so far – Reference your previous conversation or why you’re following up now e.g. “We spoke 2 weeks ago. You said you needed to speak to XXXX and it was worth following up today. Is now a good time?”

Always set timescales and next steps – When speaking to your Prospect, always set a timescale. Ask when they’re likely to hear back from the finance team, for example. This gives you a reason to follow up

Make it easy for them to see why you’re amazing – Help them to solve problems and answer questions, so that they can see how you fit in with their company.

Leveraging Technology to Streamline Your Multi-Channel Strategy

Embracing technological solutions is critical for executing an efficient multi-channel follow-up strategy within the B2B sales framework. Essenitally, find tools which monitor interactions, schedule essential follow-up tasks, and pinpoint the most effective communication avenues tailored to individual prospects.

Here’s some examples;

Email Clicks & Opens – If you see an email open or link click but haven’t heard back from them in a day or two, why not give them a call?

Setting Tasks & Schedule Emails – Make sure you never forget a follow up by either assigning yourself a future task or even scheduling an email to be sent at a future date and time.

LinkedIn Account Activity – Why not use the Notifications section of LinkedIn to find out when other members of the Prospect’s company view your company page or profile?

Sales professionals gain the ability to track the efficacy of their outreach efforts in real-time, enabling a data-driven approach to sales engagements. This not only enhances the prospect’s experience by ensuring communications are timely and relevant but also drives superior sales outcomes.