
Are you looking to increase your sales by utilising LinkedIn Messaging Tips? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll be taking a deep dive into 10 of the best LinkedIn Messaging Tips that every salesperson should know.

We’ll be exploring how to optimise your messages for maximum impact, the importance of personalisation, and how to use social selling techniques to increase engagement. By the end of this post, you’ll have all the essential LinkedIn Messaging Tips you need to help grow your sales. So, let’s get started!

LinkedIn Messaging Tips 1: Always Manually Write your Message

In today’s digital age, personalisation is key to successful communication, especially when it comes to LinkedIn messaging. It’s important to remember that you’re reaching out to real people with unique needs and interests, so a generic message just won’t cut it. Personalising your message shows that you’ve taken the time and effort to understand the individual you’re reaching out to.

Remember, personalisation is about more than just using someone’s name and mentioning a few details. It’s about tailoring your message to make sure it’s relevant:

  1. ALWAYS write out messages manually, no automation
  2. Why I’m specifically messaging you, right now
  3. Why this is specifically relevant to you, right now

By personalising your message, you’ll increase the chances of grabbing the recipient’s attention and sparking a meaningful conversation. So, take the extra time to personalise each message and watch as your LinkedIn outreach becomes more effective than ever.

LinkedIn Messaging Tips 2: Keep it Under 6 Sentences

When it comes to LinkedIn messaging, less is often more. In a world of busy professionals with limited attention spans, it’s crucial to keep your messages short and sweet. While it may be tempting to share every detail about your product or service, long-winded messages can quickly turn off potential leads. Instead, focus on getting your point across concisely and effectively.

By keeping your messages short and sweet, you demonstrate respect for the recipient’s time and increase the likelihood that they will actually read and respond to your message. Aim for no more than a few sentences, highlighting the most important information. Remember, you can always provide more details in follow-up conversations or through additional resources.

Additionally, shorter messages tend to be more visually appealing, especially when viewed on mobile devices. A message that is too long can appear overwhelming and may get skimmed over or ignored. By keeping your message brief, you ensure that it is easy to read and digest.

So, the next time you craft a LinkedIn message, remember to keep it short and sweet. You’ll grab your recipient’s attention, increase your chances of getting a response, and ultimately, drive more sales.

Tip 3: Use a Common Ground (As Long As It’s Genuine)

In the world of sales, building rapport and establishing a connection with your potential leads is essential. One effective way to do this is by finding a common ground that you can use as a starting point for your conversation. However, it’s important to note that this common ground should be genuine and authentic.

There’s nothing worse than someone messaging you saying something like;

“Hey, I noticed that you have a head. So do I! Are you free for a 15 minute call?”

It’s worth saying that finding common ground is about being relevant to them. Being relevant can be achieved without having a commonality.

If you choose to go this route, finding a common ground shows that you’ve taken the time to understand the person you’re reaching out to and can help to break the ice.

However, it’s crucial to ensure that the common ground you choose is genuine and relevant. Don’t just pick something random from their profile to mention in an attempt to create a connection. This can come across as disingenuous and may actually have the opposite effect, alienating your potential lead instead.

When using a common ground, be sure to approach it naturally and seamlessly within the context of your message. Avoid forcing the connection or making it the sole focus of your conversation. Instead, use it as an icebreaker and then transition smoothly into discussing how your product or service can benefit them.

By utilising a genuine common ground, you can build a stronger rapport, increase trust, and make your LinkedIn messaging more effective in driving sales. So, take the time to find that authentic connection, and watch as your conversations flourish.

Message Tip 4: Make it About Them, Not You

When it comes to successful sales messaging on LinkedIn, one of the most important principles to keep in mind is to make it about the recipient, not yourself. While it’s natural to want to showcase your product or service, focusing solely on your own agenda can come across as pushy and self-centered.

Instead, shift your perspective and tailor your message to highlight how your offering can benefit the recipient.

Start by emphasising the value and solutions your product or service provides. Clearly communicate how it can address their pain points, improve their workflow, or help them achieve their goals. By positioning your message around their needs and desires, you demonstrate that you are invested in their success rather than simply trying to make a sale.

Additionally, use language that speaks directly to the recipient’s concerns and interests. Highlight the specific benefits that are relevant to them, rather than overwhelming them with generic features. Show them that you understand their industry, challenges, and aspirations.

Remember, sales is about building relationships and providing value. By making your message about the recipient and showing genuine interest in their success, you increase the chances of capturing their attention and opening up a meaningful conversation. So, take the time to understand your prospects and craft messages that are tailored to their specific needs and interests.

LinkedIn Messaging Tips 5: Be Specific With Your Angle

When reaching out to potential leads on LinkedIn, it’s crucial to be specific in your messaging. General and vague messages can easily get lost in the sea of inbox clutter, so it’s important to stand out and make your intentions clear from the start.

Remember, bring it back to:

  1. Why I’m specifically messaging you, right now
  2. Why this is specifically relevant to you, right now

Being specific means addressing the recipient’s specific pain points or needs. Take the time to research their company and industry, and identify areas where your product or service can provide a solution. Use concrete examples and numbers to demonstrate how your offering can directly benefit them.

For example, instead of saying, “Our product can improve your workflow,” be specific and say, “Our product can reduce your team’s administrative tasks by 50%, allowing them to focus on higher-value projects.”

By being specific, you not only show that you understand their unique challenges but also that you have a solution tailored to their needs. This level of specificity creates a sense of credibility and trust, increasing the likelihood of engagement and ultimately, sales.

Remember, in a world where everyone is vying for attention, being specific sets you apart from the competition. So, take the time to do your research and craft messages that directly address the recipient’s pain points. Be specific, be concise, and watch as your LinkedIn messaging becomes more effective than ever before.

Tip 6: Respect Their Time

LinkedIn is a fairly light-touch contact point. As such, some people aren’t ready to commit to lengthy meetings yet. Some people will be happy to jump on a call as it’s relevant, but some may need to see more info before they can commit.

Be mindful of this and send relevant information first, following up to ask for a call afterward.

Messaging Tip 7: Show You’ve Done Your Research

When reaching out to potential leads on LinkedIn, it’s crucial to show that you’ve done your research. Taking the time to understand your recipient’s company, industry, and specific needs demonstrates your commitment and knowledge, making your message more effective.

Remember, bring it back to:

  1. Why I’m specifically messaging you, right now
  2. Why this is specifically relevant to you, right now

This is kind of a weird one as it sounds straightforward, but it’s really not. Here’s some examples of what it is and isn’t:

What Good Research Is

  • A message which is received as relevant and well timed
  • A specific event in their company which is relevant to your message
  • Mentioning a mutual connection IF you’ve spoken with that person and they said that you should speak to the prospect
  • Is written in language which really engages with them
  • Highlights an issue which is important to the prospect
  • Gives a natural feeling next step

What Good Research Isn’t

  • Mentioning the school they went to
  • Saying that you’re a specialist in [Industry]
  • Simply stating that you have a mutual connection
  • Talking about a group you both follow that’s not relevant
LinkedIn Messaging Tips

LinkedIn Messaging Tips 8: Don’t be Pushy

When it comes to LinkedIn messaging, it’s important to strike the right balance between creating momentum and being pushy. While it’s natural to be eager to make a sale, you won’t actually make the sale on LinkedIn. That will be done via phone, email or on your site.

As such, being too pushy can have the opposite effect and turn potential leads away. Instead, focus on being relevant, providing value to the recipient and offering a useful next step.

One key aspect of not being pushy is to avoid using aggressive language or making unrealistic promises. Instead, take a consultative approach and offer your expertise and assistance. Position yourself as a trusted advisor rather than a salesperson pushing a product or service.

Additionally, be mindful of the recipient’s response (or lack thereof). If they show interest and engage in conversation, continue the discussion and provide further information as needed. However, if they express disinterest or ask to be left alone, respect their wishes and move on. It’s important to know when to gracefully exit a conversation rather than forcing the sale.

By avoiding pushy tactics, you build trust, maintain a positive reputation, and increase the chances of long-term success. Remember, successful sales are built on genuine relationships and providing value. So, focus on being helpful and respectful in your LinkedIn messaging, and the sales will follow.

Tip 9: Follow Up Wisely

Follow-up is a crucial part of successful sales, and it’s no different when it comes to LinkedIn messaging. However, it’s important to follow up wisely to avoid coming across as pushy or intrusive. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the follow-up process effectively:

  1. Timing is everything: Be mindful of the timing when following up with a potential lead. Give them enough time to respond before reaching out again. Generally, waiting about a week between follow-ups is a good rule of thumb.
  2. Provide value: In your follow-up message, offer something of value to the recipient. This could be additional information, a relevant resource, or even an introduction to a useful contact. By providing value, you demonstrate your commitment to helping them and show that you’re not just focused on making a sale.
  3. Be polite and respectful: When following up, always maintain a polite and respectful tone. Avoid using aggressive language or pressuring the recipient. Instead, remind them of your previous conversation, express your continued interest, and ask if there’s anything you can do to assist them further.
  4. Be persistent but not pushy: It’s important to strike a balance between being persistent and being pushy. If you don’t receive a response after a couple of follow-ups, it’s okay to gracefully move on. Remember that not every lead will be a perfect fit for your product or service, and that’s okay. Focus on the ones who show genuine interest and engagement.

By following up wisely, you can maintain a positive relationship with potential leads and increase the chances of converting them into customers. So, don’t be afraid to reach out, provide value, and be persistent in your follow-up process.

Message Tips 10: Keep the Conversation Going

Once you’ve successfully initiated a conversation with a potential lead on LinkedIn, it’s important to keep the conversation going to nurture the relationship and move closer to making a sale. Offer a natural feeling next step, whether it’s scheduling a follow-up call, setting up a demo, or sharing a proposal. This helps keep the conversation on track and moves your lead closer to making a purchasing decision.

By keeping the conversation going, you show your commitment to building a relationship with your lead and provide ongoing support and value. This not only increases the chances of making a sale but also helps you establish long-term partnerships with your clients. So, keep these tips in mind and watch as your LinkedIn messaging efforts result in meaningful conversations and increased sales.