Life’s A Pitch by Roger Mavity and Stephen Bayley book review


As I’ve been in sales my whole working life, I’m sometimes a little sceptical of sales books in that they don’t tell the whole story e.g. I’m quite vocal about how I don’t like it when sales trainers talk about personality ‘types’ as it’s too simplistic a way of thinking

That being said, I loved this book. An engaging book read which gives a very well rounded view of how sales people assess prospective customers, manage their mindset and stay motivated in hitting their target

Check out the Life’s a pitch book review below


Lifes a pitch book review


Key messages from the book:

This book covers a lot of different types of sales. It covers selling life insurance to million dollar aeroplanes to the bustling markets of Marrakesh

I’ve read a lot of sales books and this is the best way I’ve heard it described before. It talks about the self analysis that great sales people do every day as a sort of ‘disconnected mindfulness’. 

It talks about the importance of ethics in sales and how essential that is to having high performing sales people. To sales people, it’s important to know that what you’re selling genuinely helps people and this book covers this in great detail

Who would love this book:

  • From beginners to professional sales people, this book gives a well rounded view of sales
  • If you’re managing a sales team and looking to better understand what your team go through

Check out the book here

I hope you found the Life’s a pitch book review useful! You can check out the book here