How to increase your conversion rates

So, we know the key to sales is context & this is achieved by finding out key bits of information, but what information do my salespeople need? 

You can find this out by looking back over your previous customers and sales. Check over your qualified B2B leads and ask if are there any patterns with our customers? 

  • A certain reason why they are enquiring
  • A certain industry
  • Size business or size purchase
  • An existing solution 

Chances are there’s some key information in your qualified B2B leads that can inform what would be helpful to find out before a sales meeting.


What to find out about your prospect

That being said, here’s some more general things which is worth finding out about each of your live prospects:

  1. Decision process – An idea of their decision-making process
  2. Decision-maker – That you’re speaking to the right person at the meeting
  3. Why now? An idea of the reasons behind their drive to change
  4. Size of opportunity – The right size for you
  5. Timescale – An idea of when they wanted to change
  6. Their budget – An idea of their opinion of flex in their budget
  7. Issues – The fact that they aren’t happy with their current supplier/why


qualified b2b leads


How to qualify your leads

How can you find this out? Here’s a few ways you could introduce this to your sales team

The idea is that you’re arming your salespeople with key information from the start about what this potential client is looking for in a new supplier


Qualified B2B leads have a higher conversion rate

We specialise in Qualified B2B Lead Generation campaigns. What’s more by working with partner charities, we plant a tree for each lead that we generate you. Park Row Marketing is proud to be Tree Ambassadors for the charity, One Tree Planted. We plant trees as we grow your business. What’s more, we’re happy to provide this evidence to your Community and Social Responsibility (CSR) Representative as well.

This means you can include the number of trees we plant you each year in your CSR impact report. You can find out more about why we plant trees as we generate leads here.