A simple way to convert website traffic into qualified leads

Converting more leads from your website sounds difficult when you use jargon like “Marketing Funnel” or “Conversion Rate Optimisation”. It sounds like this big, complicated, expensive thing that requires a mix of science, psychology and witchcraft.

Here in the parkrow.marketing sales blog, we try to distil sales & marketing practices into simple things that you can try. Here we go, how to convert website traffic into qualified leads.


2 stages to converting leads

It’s really quite simple when you boil it down:

  1. Give them a reason to show up Attract visitors with exciting content
  2. Make the next step really easy Then offer a compelling next step

Here’s a tasty example for you. If you think of your website like a food stall in a town square, you want people to stop and check out your food. Next, you want them to buy something and tell others about it:

  1. Give them a reason to show up In this case, putting out amazing food smells and watching your food prep skills
  2. Make the next step really easy Then offer a compelling next step, like trying a free sample or simply asking “How can I help?”

convert website traffic into qualified leads

It sounds simple when you think about it. All you need to do is to catch somebody where they are looking for XX thing, give them a reason to go on your website and offer a compelling next step.


A simple thing that you can do right now to convert website traffic

This is something that you can do right now. We’re going to take this analogy and apply it to your SEO and Google Ranking:

  1. Give them a reason to show up Write blogs and content optimised for keywords
  2. Make the next step really easy Then offer an easy next step by starting the conversation via web chat


Step One: Find out where they’re looking by add Google Site Kit to your website

This is more straightforward than you’d think. I’d like you to add Google Site Kit to your website

 Give them a reason to show up Attract visitors with exciting content Make the next step really easy Then offer a compelling next step

Connect your Google Analytics account. If you have any questions on how to do this, here’s a good tutorial.

What Site Kit does

One of the amazing tools that Site Kit does is that it allows you to see what people searched for when your website appeared in the results and then whether or not they actually clicked. This is an incredible tool for gaining insight into where people are looking and how good your title and snippets are at getting people to look on your website.

What’s more, this is great for you gaining insight into what keywords you might want to optimise for. Here’s an example.

convert website traffic into qualified leads

(See item 5 on this list? This blog was created using the exact method I just described. We’ve optimised this page to appear for convert website traffic into qualified leads) 


Step Two: Write something that people will genuinely want to stick around and read

This is the harder bit, writing something that people will want to stick around and read. This is your chance to showcase the value and expertise that you have. Topic examples include:

  • Writing useful about a relevant subject
  • Giving an interesting opinion on a particular topic
  • Creating entertaining and engaging examples
  • Providing useful updates on milestones or events

Run through the list above and compare with your company. I reckon you could write think of at least one readable blog about each one of those topics.

Now down to the planning and writing. Whilst I write these blogs I suffer from writer’s block a lot. As such I have the help of Lauren and our content team to write our client’s blogs!

As a side note, we provide readable, engaging blog writing services if you’d like to know more. What’s more, our 24/7 web chat team are on hand and available to engage with your audience and convert leads for you.


Step Three: Ask “Can I help with anything?” using Web Chat

You know when you walk up to the food stand and a friendly rep in an apron says, “Can I help you with anything?”. Before you know it, you ended up buying way more food than you needed because it all looked so good.

Web Chat is the digital form of the food stall rep offering a free sample; It’s a really easy way to get someone talking. And to be honest, that’s all you need to offer; a really easy next step.

convert website traffic into qualified leads

We’re not looking to sign someone up on the web chat. You don’t need to get get huge commitments from them. We’re simply using conversation as an easy way to take a passing interest into a qualified lead.


Got a question? Ask our friendly rep in the right hand corner

I hope you found this to be a useful blog on how to convert website traffic into qualified leads. If you did indeed find us through SEO, we’d love your feedback on how that experience was for you and what you’d like done for your site. If you’ve found us through other channels, I hope this gave a good example of what you can do.

The important thing is to take actionable next steps. All of the above, you can do right now. We do provide readable, engaging blog writing services if you’d like to know more. What’s more, our 24/7 web chat team are on hand and available to engage with your audience and convert leads for you.

If you have any further questions about our services, feel free to get in touch on the contact page or just ask my delightful colleague over here >>>>