How to generate leads using content

How Content Marketing Can Boost Website Conversions

Content marketing great for promoting websites. Content can be used to:

  • Establish yourself as an authority
  • Promote brand awareness
  • Increase social media exposure
  • Boost visibility from search engines and much more

But how can I generate leads using content? This guide will take a closer look at the different kinds of content marketing techniques that are available


What is content marketing?

Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of online content. Ideally, the content that is created and distributed should be perceived as being valuable by the content consumer. So why does content marketing work so well? 

“Content marketing is only going to be valuable to you if it’s valuable to the reader”

This means that for content marketing to work well;  you should focus on being informative, funny, interesting, entertaining or thought-provoking

Generate leads using content

A few helpful ways to generate leads using content

Here’s a few different links and resources which you might find helpful to generate leads using content

Blog posts

Blogging remains a popular way to share information online. Content marketing strategies often involve the creation of blogs and guest posting on external blogs.


Articles are slightly more formal than blog posts. Content marketing strategies involving articles include adding new articles to your own website as well as publishing them on other peoples websites for additional brand exposure.

Blogs and articles are a great way to generate leads using content. Hubspot has a great article on how to start a blog


An infographic is a large image that contains graphics, statistics, and useful information. Infographics are great as they’re easy to read and get the message quickly. Many content consumers prefer to read infographics instead of long-winded articles.

One of our client base has found an excellent way to differentiate themselves in a crowded market. Master Cleaners are a London Based Green Cleaning company and they’ve use infographics as an excellent way to stand out from the crowd

Video content

Video content posted onto websites like Vimeo and YouTube can be a very useful part of a content marketing strategy.

We give monthly video talks on digital marketing & converting sales on our YouTube channel

Email marketing

Email marketing was one of the earliest forms of online marketing. It is now used to distribute high-quality content to large audiences of subscribers. Combining email marketing with other types of content marketing can be very effective and be used to build a community

My favourite book on email marketing lately is Invisible Selling Machine. Generate leads using content by checking out the key points we make on our book review here


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